Library projects

The RiskScape Platform allows you to share your project with other RiskScape projects, so that those projects can reuse and extend your models or data. We refer to a project that shares these resources as a “library project”.

In order to share a project, you will need to be a member of that project, with the role of Admin. You will also need to be at least an Editor of the projects you would like to share it with.


Any project can become a library project, but you should be cautious about what you share. When you share your project with another project all members of that project are granted “Viewer” access to your project. They will be able to see all project files, models, and shared model runs from the library project. This is necessary for them to be able to use your files and models.

If you need to keep any part of your project private, we recommend splitting off the part you’d like to share into a new project, and then sharing that with your original project.


For more information about different roles and the actions they can perform, see Project user roles

Sharing a project

Navigate to the project you would like to be your library. Using the left hand side menu, under “Sharing”, click “Projects”. You should see something like this:

A page for sharing library projects with other projects. This project is not currently shared with any other projects

Open the “Select a project” drop-down in the top right, and choose the project you’d like to share the library with. If needed, you can filter the list using the search bar. If you do not see a project you would expect to see, make sure you have Editor access to that project.

The sharing page with the drop-down open, showing "consumer-project"

Once you have picked the project, click “Add”. You should see it appear in the table.

The sharing page with "consumer project" listed as a project this project is shared with.

Stop sharing

If you no longer want to share files and models with a project, you can remove it from the same screen. Simply click the red remove button on the right hand side of that row of the table, and confirm when prompted.


When you share your library project with another project, you need to be an Editor of that project. In contrast, you do not need access to the other project to revoke access. You need only be an Admin of the library project.

A dialog box saying "Are you sure you want to stop sharing 'library-project' with 'consumer-project'?"

Using library project resources

See Files from other projects